
In this period, the
intellectual and reasoning faculties of the mind begin to take their character, imbibing the
seeds of learning, and developing, as it were, the elements and germs of the genius and
abilities, and their peculiar quality. Venus corresponds
with the next and third age, which lasts throughout the following eight years, the number of
her own period: from her, the movement of the seminal vessels originates, as well as an
unrestrained impetuosity and precipitancy in amours. The fourth and adult age next succeeds, and is subject to
the fourth sphere, that of the Sun: it endures for nineteen years, according to the Sun's
intellectual and reasoning faculties of the mind begin to take their character, imbibing the
seeds of learning, and developing, as it were, the elements and germs of the genius and
abilities, and their peculiar quality. Venus corresponds
with the next and third age, which lasts throughout the following eight years, the number of
her own period: from her, the movement of the seminal vessels originates, as well as an
unrestrained impetuosity and precipitancy in amours. The fourth and adult age next succeeds, and is subject to
the fourth sphere, that of the Sun: it endures for nineteen years, according to the Sun's